Captured by Dark Elves Mobile Version

Read this: How to play!

Playing Captured by Dark Elves on Android Devices is very simple, just use your finger to touch anywhere you want to move or interact with. But there is one thing that you need to know: For the Escape Button, that is also used to erase the letters when you want to Enter a new name or to turn down Khadra’s or Takashi’s Sale Menu or to simply access and get out of the main menu, you have to use the DOUBLE FINGER TAB. That means you touch the screen with your left finger on the left side and with your right finger on the right side. At the same time. Got it? N0? Jeez…these mobile gamers…once again: Normal finger touch to move and interact, double (both at the same time) finger touch the screen for erase/escape/open main menu. Got it now? No? Oh my….

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